Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
The blogs here describe me the best! So just read on to know me in depth ;)

Prayer of a all time 'Know it All' Confused Daughter

Dear Lord,

This is a prayer! When astrologers said that I will be responsible for my own fate, I didn’t know what it meant, coz everyone at the end of the day is responsible for doing their thing. Well now I know. You have provided me with everything good…food, friends, family, church, shelter, well wishers, jobs, intelligence etc but the irony of life is I’m sitting on it doing nothing. Anu was right when she said that the problem with me is that I know I’m good in the most of the things and that if I out last minute effort I will go through and that’s exactly why I don’t do anything. Ruby’s comment that ‘you can wake up someone who is sleeping but not someone who is pretending sleep’ also was also full proof. But above all Lord, I trust you and believe you can make this pretending rascal turn gold hearted. Sorry Lord for I’m bitchy and being nasty and not bothered and lazy and sinful …but I don know. All I can do is Lord pray and ask you would help me change and take me in your path, that’s all!

Thanks for everything Lord, seriously thanks for all the good, all the weird experiences, all the love and loathing,

In Jesus Name
