Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
The blogs here describe me the best! So just read on to know me in depth ;)

Woh Saath Din: The End

I tend to write blogs and big write-ups either when I have no one to share my thoughts with or when I’m irritated and frustrated or when I want to say my story in a dramatic way. Right now, it’s none of the above. But still I’m writing.

Almost a year ago, 10 months to be specific, I had penned down a story on Rishab and Vaibhavi called Who Saath Din. The third part of the so called blog tale was open ended for people to opine and time to tell.

As human beings we always want to be in control of everything. We want to dictate our fate and future, most of times forgetting that God or the Universe (for the non-believers) might have an extremely different plan and purpose for our lives. I really don’t know what is planned for Rish and Vaib but I can definitely entitle a suitable ending to the short but sweet and significant romantic involvement.

In basic words, it was not meant to be! Deep inside their hearts they still might have a little hook that gets entangled, every now and then, to the good times they spent and emotional connect they had but overall it is a closed chapter. WHY?! Well let’s put the KISS formula – Keep It Short and Simple J Wow that was easy… or may be not… but the truth is, it’s a dead end with no U-turns.

In a few days, may be, even the name will be a distant thought but the best part is …they wish each other well….always.

With all the happy moments and few regrets of falling apart (mostly losing the genuine friendship) I fare thee well both you Mr.Rishab and Vaibhavi, my friend. The hot air balloon has been let go with no direction or tracking device.

Good Bye and God Bless!